A Collaboration Between Rescue MI Nature NOW and the University of Michigan
The Urban Acupuncture Alley Activation project, a collaboration between Rescue MI Nature Now and the University of Michigan, aims to create an Alley Activation Toolkit empowering communities to rejuvenate alleys and address urban challenges like flooding, blight, and pollution; Rescue MI Nature Now offers resources and workshops to guide residents in initiating lasting neighborhood transformations.
Using urban acupuncture in alleys seeks to boost the prosperity and welfare of underserved communities by implementing strategic ‘pinprick’ interventions that tackle specific and complex issues, demonstrating that small-scale solutions can yield significant beneficial impacts precisely when communities require them most.
why alley activation?
Neglected alleyways and vacant lots represent opportunities for access to green spaces while enhancing ecosystem in the neighborhoods of Detroit.
Residents have had to contend with debris and overgrown vegetation filing these spaces. The clearing of these alleys and lots presents an opportunity to rethink their function.
pinprick by pinprick
The Alley Activation Toolkit offers communities a practical guide with strategies, training, and workshops to initiate localized projects, encouraging leaders to form “Rescue Squads” for neighborhood resilience; it assists in identifying interventions and navigating design challenges through Nature, Art, and Social Alleys options.
Nature Alley
Provides residents with access to nature, increased biodiversity, and long term changes in the weather.
Social Alley
Enhance resiliency by focusing on creating community spaces for gathering, entertaining, or engaging with neighbors and friends.
Art Alley
Empower communities to showcase their cultures, creativity, skills, and messages, fostering artistic expression.